Aura Analytics
Reports, Alerts, HR …

Manage your company remotely with in-depth valuable real time data on your PC or internet connected smart phone or tablets. It includes everything from monitoring your sales, pulling up past sales, managing employee's hours, and much more. All the data you see is generated in real-time and you can also choose to view data from other stores you have registered. To view and export reports, choose the desired store you wish to pull the report from, select the date range, then select the type of report you want to view.
Compare Multiple Locations
Manage Employees access
Payroll Data
Hourly Reports
Menu Management
Invoicing and Vendor Management
Track Sales
Compare Best or Worst sellers
Cost Management and Profit report
Customer Management
Profile for HR, Accounting, Staff
Manage Online Store Hours and Price
AI Driven Campaigns
Much More features added weekly